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The Vinyl Project 09.28.09
Ok so I'm at the swap meet yesterday attempting to track down a certain specific and not-available-in-stores item from my brother's birthday list, when out of the corner of my super vinyl-spotting bionic eye I notice, on the ground towards the rear of a crowded single-wide swap meet space, a long double-row of boxes containing probably two thousand records in total. A daunting task now presented itself - it was going to take a super-human effort to kneel down on the pavement (my body was simply not designed for working on the ground) and flip through these dusty albums, but this particular situation had two incentives going that prompted my commitment to the cause: The price - a smokin' fifty cents per album (that's fully half my impulse-purchase threshold of a buck!) and, even better, the entire row of record boxes was sitting in the shade thrown by a nearby box van. I was goin' in!
Most of the record sleeves were in pretty rough shape, which is usually a good indicator of the condition of the actual record within. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Nothing was organized according to music type - there was Julio Iglesias next to a Benny Goodman box set and music from 2001: A Space Odyssey next to The Go-go's, with loose records and empty record sleeves mixed in for good measure. Was this going to be worth it? I pressed on...And after a while a few gems did turn up. Hmm, a Jethro Tull greatest hits album. I'll try it. Music from the movie 'The Stunt Man'... I have no idea - but it's 50 cents! Some 80's pop looking thing I've never heard of - but it's produced by Thomas Dolby! - so why not? ELP's 'Brain Salad Surgery' with a creepy-beautiful sleeve by H.R. Giger? Check. Then there was this:
:: click images to enlarge :: I grabbed it purely for the sleeve artwork. I haven't seen the movie in ages, so I don't recall Jerry Goldsmith's score at all. But no matter - the cover art is pure 70's pop sci-fi genius! Here's a close-up of the center panel collage made up of scenes from the film:
And yes, that is Farrah Fawcett over there on the right. The album cover artwork, taken directly from the Logan's Run movie poster, was illustrated by Charles Moll. I couldn't find much information on him, but a couple of his other movie posters can be seen here.
Now I'm totally in the mood for 'TRON' which just arrived from NetFlix over the weekend...
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