Most of the record sleeves were in pretty rough shape, which is usually a good indicator of the condition of the actual record within. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Nothing was organized according to music type - there was Julio Iglesias next to a Benny Goodman box set and music from 2001: A Space Odyssey next to The Go-go's, with loose records and empty record sleeves mixed in for good measure. Was this going to be worth it? I pressed on...
And after a while a few gems did turn up. Hmm, a Jethro Tull greatest hits album. I'll try it. Music from the movie 'The Stunt Man'... I have no idea - but it's 50 cents! Some 80's pop looking thing I've never heard of - but it's produced by Thomas Dolby! - so why not? ELP's 'Brain Salad Surgery' with a creepy-beautiful sleeve by H.R. Giger? Check. Then there was this:
I grabbed it purely for the sleeve artwork. I haven't seen the movie in ages, so I don't recall Jerry Goldsmith's score at all. But no matter - the cover art is pure 70's pop sci-fi genius! Here's a close-up of the center panel collage made up of scenes from the film:

Now I'm totally in the mood for 'TRON' which just arrived from NetFlix over the weekend...